Tuesday, October 12, 2010

At God's Mercy

Our discussion on confession in the Seekers Service at church yesterday led me to look at the John Wesley Covenant Service found in the back of our hymnal.  I was struck by The Prayer of Supplication, which is a part of the Covenant Service, the prayer of one who recognizes his or her utter dependence upon God.  It echoes a conversation between Jesus and the Peter in John 6. Many of Jesus' followers have turned from  him because of his difficult teachings and he has just asked the Twelve, "You do not want to leave too, do you?"  Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.  We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God (verses 68,69).  So right, Peter!  If not Jesus, then who else? Where else? What else?

John Wesley Covenant Service
Prayer of Supplication

Lord Jesus, here I am, a lost creature, an enemy to God, under His wrath and curse.  Wilt Thou, Lord, undertake for me, reconcile me to God, and save my soul?  Do not, Lord, refuse me, for if Thou refuse me, to whom then shall I go?

If I had come in my own name, Thou mightest well have put me back; but since I come as the command of the Father, reject me not.  Lord, help me.  Lord, save me.

I come, Lord.  I believe, Lord.  I throw myself upon Thy grace and mercy.  I cast myself upon Thy blood.  Do not refuse me.  I have not wither else to go.  Here I will stay.  On Thee I will trust, and rest and venture myself.  On Thee I lay my hope for pardon, for life, for salvation.  If I perish, I perish on Thy shoulders.  If I sink, I sink in Thy vessel.  If I die, I die at Thy door.  Bid me not go away, for I will not go.

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