Since announcing last week that I am going to be blogging less frequently, I have discovered that I have a lot I'd like to say! Last week I did cheat a bit. I wrote a couple of blogs that I didn't plan to write, then I
said that I posted them at 8:57 a.m., but it wasn't true! I posted them whenever I had them done, I just said it was 8:57. (Then, again, maybe you had already figured out that I've been doing that all along!)
Anyway, who knows when I'll have something to say. From now on I'll just say it, no matter what time of the day or night, and I'll quit pretending it was actually three minutes to nine.
Tom is out watering the garden. We harvested the kale this afternoon, getting it ready for the freezer. Some we blanched and froze so that we can use it in dishes like
Tim's Kale and Cannellini Chicken. And some we whizzed in the VitaMix and poured into ice cube trays so that we can use it in
veggie drinks. The whole process took about two hours; I was surprised it was so quick.
We harvested the kale... |
...prepared it (took out the vein, tore it up, blanched it for 2 minutes
then drained it and soaked it in ice water for 2 minutes... |
...measured it out in one cup portions... |
and put it in quart freezer bags, 7 of them! |
Then we tore up the rest of the kale and put it in the VitaMix... |
...whizzed it up with about 1 cup of water... |
And poured it into ice trays. |
So does anyone have a good recipe to share that pairs kale and chocolate?
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