Our boys come from a line of long lovers! Between their two sets of grandparents and Tom and me, we have, to date, been married for 155 years. In just eleven days we will add another year to the mix, as Tom and I celebrate our 23rd anniversary. I am humbled and grateful that the Lord has allowed us to be a part of this heritage and to pass it on to our boys.
Should the day come that you, our sons, marry, we pray that the example of your elders will inspire and encourage you to stand together through the difficulties -- and the joys -- of marriage, and that you will trust the Lord through your years.
Harold and Lynda Kauffman, married in 1938 |
With Gramma and Grampa at Letchworth State Park |
Ken and Helen Fosket, married in 1949 |
With Gram and Gramps on the Olympic Penninsula |
Tom and Ginger, married in 1989 |
Our family, 1995 |
Twenty two years! In the world of today, a milestone. It is sad that marriage has become something that is an option to so many. Easily discarded like the daily newspaper. Congratulations and prayers for at least 52 more years of happiness.
Oops, mistake!! Happy 23 years together:)
Wow, Evie, if we were married another 52 years, that would make 75 years total! You must think we'll be long livers as well as long lovers! Thanks for the vote of confidence!!
This is one of the best things we can give our children, an example of both love and commitment.
Happy anniversary, Tom & Ginger. You're an inspiration!
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