Monday, December 12, 2011

The Tree of Light

Our Christmas tree began in a pot in our backyard, about eight years ago.  A sequoia sapling, which Tom had planned to bonsai, decided instead to settle in for the long haul and put its roots down into the ground, where it happily grew into a good-sized tree.  It was between the deck, a large pine tree, and the neighbor's fence, no place for a tree that could eventually grow to 300 feet!  (You might remember the tree from an earlier post.)

So Tom cut off the top and turned it into a Christmas tree!

I'd been thinking about having a theme tree, inspired by The Isaiah Tree and an article I recently wrote for an online publication called Ruby for Women (see pages 22-24).  When our youth pastor, Brian Hoyer, spoke a couple of weeks ago about the Christmas tree and the significance of light as a symbol of Christmas, I decided to make this year's tree a Tree of Light, representing Jesus, the light of the world, and His light reflected from the lives of His followers.

And now I wish you a bright and joyful Christmas season!

Here's the tree at 10 feet tall in July, 2010
The tree was now 15 feet tall!
Cutting the top off
Ready to catch the tree

Finding its good side
Placing the star
Mom, Peach and her daughters helped make
the mirror ornaments for the tree
Before the decorations
With lights, balls and mirrors

The Tree of Light


Cami said...

Your tree is really beautiful!

Ginger Kauffman said...

Thank you, Cami!

Stephanie said...

Such an awesome tree! :)
