Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ten Years at a Glance

Have you ever sen a ten-year journal?  My friend Deanne is on her second one now (or is it third?).  Each daily page is divided into 11 sections with four or five lines per section, so that you can record your thoughts or activities each year for ten+ years.  (You can begin any time during the first year and still have ten full years of journal notes.)  Additional pages at the back of the book give you opportunity to carry over a thought if you need a little extra space, keep track of less frequent events (appointments, car maintenance, etc), or record goals for the new year.

When Deanne finishes reading a book, she records it on her list in the back of her journal.  When she wonders what they were doing this time last year, or how long it's been since had the furnace repaired, she can look it up in her journal.

A ten-year journal can be used as a spiritual diary; it can track your child's growth and development; it can be used to record a person's journey through college, graduate school and getting started on a job. It would make a great wedding gift.  Looking back over the journal can remind you of people and places you care about, attitudes that have changed over time, God's provision for your family.

I'll be turning 60 next month.  I'm thinking this might be the time to start a ten-year journal.

Here are a couple of companies that make ten-year journals, Future Memories and Because Time Flies.  Check out their websites and see if you or someone you care about should have one.

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